The last DUE MARI STC meeting was held in Bari (Italy) on 23rd and 24th of June 2022, and was hosted by partner Puglia Region.
First day – 23rd of June 2022
Welcoming remarks were made by Ms Anna Introna (Puglia region), Mr Davide Marciano (Joint Secretariat), and Ms Maja Kovačević (Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism). Overview of the project progress and current issues were presented by MEDT. Ms Ivana Ostoić presented updated project plan with its activities. The main activities regarding Work Package 3 (Communication) were presented by Ms Tamara Djukić (MEDT). The plan regarding promotional activities of the DUE MARI virtual 3D platform was introduced by Ms Biljana Božović (NTOMNE). The second part of the meeting was dedicated to more technical activities, such as DUE MARI Platform and Data Centre. Mentioned activities are lead Mr Domenico Morgese (Innovapuglia).
Second day – 24th of June 2022
On the second day of the STC meeting in Bari, the Lead Partner MEDT held a meeting with JS and then bilateral meetings with the project partners.
Partners will continue joint cooperation and will be holding regular online meetings to ensure further implementation of project activities
MEDT - Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism, Montenegro
NTOMNE - National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro