The last DUE MARI STC meeting was held in Podgorica (Montenegro) on 19th and 20th of January 2023. The face-to-face meeting was hosted by the lead partner, Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism of Montenegro (MEDT).
First day – January 19th, 2023
After the registration of the participants, the welcoming remarks were made by Ms Maja Kovačević from MEDT. Overview of the project progress, with the emphasis on the current activities, was given by Ms Ivana Ostoić, the external expert, who is representing MEDT. After the overview, the partners discussed the next steps and recommendations recently given by JS. The second part of the meeting was dedicated to the design of the project portal and strategies that are being developed within the project.
Second day – January 20th, 2023
The second day of the STC meeting started with the overview of the most important communication activities and obligations for this reporting period. The overviews were given by Ms Tamara Đukić (MEDT) and Ms Biljana Bozovic (National Tourism Organization, MN). Partners then presented the pilot project they are working on and discussed the Policy paper on use of digital technologies in promotion of sustainable tourism. The external expert, Ms Ivana Ostoić, presented the examples of best practices of digitalization in tourism. After that, the lead partner lead the discussion about capacity building and the activities that must be done by the end of the project. The last point of the agenda was the potential issues the project could be facing in final stages of implementation.
Partners concluded the meeting agreeing that the cooperation on the project activities has never been more significant than in these final months of the project duration. Partners will timely fulfil all obligations and will provide support to each other regarding the finalization of remaining deliverables, that will in the end ensure the successful completion of the DUE MARI project. The lead partner will continue to organize once-a-month online coordination meetings.